Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost

Complete Wisdom Teeth Removal Guide in Australia


All about Wisdom Teeth Removal in Australia

Proper dental care entails regular check-ups to identify any underlying problems in the early stages. One of the most common dental issues that teenagers and people in their mid-twenties suffer is misaligned wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are the third and final molars that develop in a set of teeth and they can be a valuable asset. However, most likely than not they present dental problems and they need to be extracted for you to enjoy better dental outlook. If they are misaligned they will cause problems that will only become apparent at a later stage.

Wisdom teeth removal in Australia is a common procedure and can be carried in either of these two ways:

  1. As an out-of-patient procedure: In this case a general dentist or an oral surgery specialist performs the procedure in-the-chair.
  2. Surgical procedure: This is a more intense procedure carried out by a general dentist or oral surgeon at a health facility using sedation by general anaesthetic.

Every wisdom teeth complication is unique and this is where the input of regular check-up using modern technology including X-ray comes in handy. Periodic check-ups during dental visits should be done to identify the presence and alignment of your wisdom teeth before a decision is made on the best procedure to follow.  If the problem is not complicated an in-chair procedure can be carried out and it is cheaper compared to a surgical procedure.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost

At the back of your mind you must be wondering about wisdom teeth removal cost Australia and for good reasons. The cost of dental procedures in Australia is among the highest in the world. Different factors determine the cost including:

  • Type of extraction
  • Dental health insurance coverage
  • Location
  • Type of dentist required

Medicare coverage is limited on dental procedures and without private coverage you will have to pay most of the costs from out-of-pocket. Average wisdom teeth removal costs are as follows:

LocationType of Wisdom Teeth Removal ProcedureCost
AustraliaBasic Extraction$250-300 per tooth
AustraliaComplex Extraction$300-$600 per tooth
AustraliaOral Surgery using Sedatives or General Anaesthetic$1500 to $3000
The entire treatment cost also includes:
  • initial consultation ranging from $60 – $200
  • X-ray between  $85 – $150

To reduce the Australia wisdom teeth removal cost get the removal done sooner than later, shop around for deals, compare different dentists and if possible use a wisdom teeth specialists for a better deal.

Why Remove Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are removed to avoid infection, avert painful extraction in future, misalignment and if the tooth is impacted. An impacted tooth does not fully emerge from the gum which leads to bacteria build-up in the area leading to infection. An impacted tooth is also prone to decay as it cannot be properly brushed. An impacted tooth can either erupt partially angularly, horizontally and vertically.

For cheap wisdom teeth removal Australia it is crucial to get the tooth inspected and diagnosed early. This procedure is also less painful because the roots of the tooth have not yet settled into the gum.  Some of the common signs of wisdom tooth problems include:

  • Redness of the gum
  • Bad breath
  • Cysts around the tooth
  • Swelling of gums around the tooth
  • Bad taste when eating or drinking
  • Jaw pain and tenderness
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Wisdom teeth hurt a lot when breaking through the gums and it is important to consult your dentist when this happens. Quick removal should be carried out before the pain intensifies as this could also point to the onset of an infection.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

Now that you appreciate the importance of wisdom teeth removal in Australia it is important to understand what to expect during the extraction procedure. Due to the position of the tooth the removal procedure is expected to be more invasive and will mostly involve some form of surgery. The process entails:

  1. Administering local anaesthetic : Anaesthetic is applied around the tooth and also injected into the gum.
  2. Sedative or general anaesthesia : This is given to make you more comfortable and can either be administered intravenously or orally.  If you will be put under during the procedure a gas mask is placed over your face and breathing is closely monitored.
  3. The surgical procedure starts : Incisions and necessary cuts are made to remove the tooth and other debris. Stitches maybe required depending on the extent of cuts made.
  4. You may drive yourself home but it may not be possible if the sedatives have not worn off.
Wisdom teeth Removal Pain

If there is persistent pain after extraction it is likely you are suffering forma dry socket. This happens if the blood clot that should protect the healing area dissolves thus exposing the nerves and jaw bone. To avoid this avoid smoking, don’t drink using a straw, avoid extremely hot or cold drink and maintain excellent oral hygiene during the healing process.

Recovery Tips

To ensure pain-free and faster healing follow these tips:

  • Don’t smoke in the first 24 hours after removal
  • Eat soft foods and avoid biting hard
  • Avoid excessive spitting as this can dislodge the clot
  • Don’t brush or use mouth wash for the first 24 hours
  • Don’t pass your tongue over the wound

Replace the gauze with a fresh one as per the doctor’s instructions.



Wisdom teeth can be better explained as the third and final set of molars that erupt during the late teens or more specifically, between 17 and 21. Wisdom teeth are often considered troublesome for everyone while that isn’t entirely true. A wisdom tooth causes problems when it doesn’t have enough room to grow and leads to pain and infections.

No. In several cases, wisdom teeth removal in Australia is necessary only when it causes trouble such as pain and discomfort. If a wisdom tooth impacts the positioning of its neighbouring teeth, then you’d want to consider removing them as early as possible.

In other cases, a wisdom tooth simply erupts and grows without causing any impact. If it doesn’t create any problem, then you can just leave them as is.

Failing to remove an impacted wisdom tooth can lead to the following problems:
a. Pain, swelling and infections in gum tissue
b. Gum diseases between wisdom teeth and second molars
c. Occurrence of cavities on the wisdom teeth or on second molars’ root surface
d. Shifting in position of the adjacent teeth
e. Cyst in the jawbone

We offer wisdom teeth removal procedure at competitive prices. Our cost of wisdom teeth removal in Melbourne goes like this: Basic extraction costs $250-300 per tooth, complex extraction costs $300-$600 per tooth and oral Surgery using sedatives or general anaesthetic would cost $1500 to $3000.

(The cost of entire treatment also includes the initial consultation ranging from $60 - $200 and X-ray costs that lies between $85 and $150)

Yes. After the wisdom teeth removal procedure in Australia, you would encounter certain problems such as pain, swelling and bruising for a few days, which is normal. You might face difficulties opening your mouth or, in some cases, have infections too. Taking ample rest and following post-operative instructions can help you ease the recovery period.

What are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth can be better explained as the third and final set of molars that erupt during the late teens or more specifically, between 17 and 21. Wisdom teeth are often considered troublesome for everyone while that isn’t entirely true. A wisdom tooth causes problems when it doesn’t have enough room to grow and leads to pain and infections.

Should everyone get his or her Wisdom Teeth Pulled?

No. In several cases, wisdom teeth removal in Australia is necessary only when it causes trouble such as pain and discomfort. If a wisdom tooth impacts the positioning of its neighbouring teeth, then you’d want to consider removing them as early as possible.

In other cases, a wisdom tooth simply erupts and grows without causing any impact. If it doesn’t create any problem, then you can just leave them as is.

What happens if Wisdom Tooth is not removed?

Failing to remove an impacted wisdom tooth can lead to the following problems:
a. Pain, swelling and infections in gum tissue
b. Gum diseases between wisdom teeth and second molars
c. Occurrence of cavities on the wisdom teeth or on second molars’ root surface
d. Shifting in position of the adjacent teeth
e. Cyst in the jawbone

How much does Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost?

We offer wisdom teeth removal procedure at competitive prices. Our cost of wisdom teeth removal in Melbourne goes like this: Basic extraction costs $250-300 per tooth, complex extraction costs $300-$600 per tooth and oral Surgery using sedatives or general anaesthetic would cost $1500 to $3000.

(The cost of entire treatment also includes the initial consultation ranging from $60 – $200 and X-ray costs that lies between $85 and $150)

Will there be Problems Post Extraction of Wisdom Teeth?

Yes. After the wisdom teeth removal procedure in Australia, you would encounter certain problems such as pain, swelling and bruising for a few days, which is normal. You might face difficulties opening your mouth or, in some cases, have infections too. Taking ample rest and following post-operative instructions can help you ease the recovery period.

How much does it cost to remove wisdom teeth in Australia?

Wisdom teeth removal cost in Australia can vary depending on different factors. Generally, the cost of single wisdom teeth removal ranges between $200 to $700. However, the cost can differ based on the complexity of the procedure. For instance, if a wisdom tooth is severely impacted and requires a surgical procedure to remove it, then the cost would be high and can range between $1500 and $3000.

The wisdom teeth removal cost in Australia can be expensive, and this is the reason most people deny getting a dental procedure, which compromises their dental health and overall well-being. It’s crucial to consult a wisdom teeth specialist to identify any issues with your wisdom teeth and take preventative measures or determine proper removal procedures to prevent any further complications. Schedule regular dental visits with your dentist to identify any potential issues with your wisdom teeth and choose a prompt treatment within your budget. Always compare prices and get multiple opinions from dentists to make sure that you are getting wisdom teeth removal in Australia at affordable prices.

Do I have to pay for wisdom teeth removal in Australia?

Yes! Wisdom teeth removal is a complex procedure, and unfortunately, the cost of the removal is not covered by Medicare. Generally, wisdom teeth removal is considered as a type of dental surgery, and the public health system does not cover the cost. So, patients must pay out-of-pocket to get their wisdom teeth removed. Medicare does not cover the cost of any dental procedure or treatments, including fillings, root canal, wisdom teeth removal, and more. However, the dentist you may choose can offer personal finance options that allow you to make payment in instalments, or a few dentists may charge less for the wisdom teeth removal procedure compared to others. So, it’s recommended to shop for the best dentist who offers reasonable prices for your wisdom teeth removal. Overall, Medicare doesn’t cover the wisdom teeth removal cost in Australia and paying out-of-pocket is the only option. With careful research and evaluation of affordable procedures, you would be able to find an affordable treatment and quality service provider.

Why wisdom teeth removal cost is so expensive in Australia?

The wisdom teeth removal price in Australia is a major concern for patients seeking wisdom teeth removal procedures. Here are a few reasons why the cost is high compared to other countries.

A Complex Procedure

Wisdom teeth removal is a complex surgical procedure that involves removing one or multiple teeth. This calls for extra precautions for patient care, and the dentist performing the procedure may need extra assistance. As a result, the overall cost of the procedure is high.

Skilled Dental Surgeons

Wisdom teeth removal is not a simple extraction and is often performed by oral or maxillofacial surgeons. These specialists charge more than regular dentists and use advanced technology and equipment to get your wisdom teeth removed. Moreover, they follow strict dental regulations and protocols, which gets added to the overall cost.

Maintenance of High Hygiene Standards

Dental clinics incur a significant amount of expenses to properly maintain high hygiene standards during your dental procedure, before and aftercare. This includes the usage of disposable materials, regular sanitisation, and more, and these expenses are passed on to patients.

Limited Dental Insurance Plans

Unfortunately, many insurance plans, such as Medicare, do not cover the cost of wisdom teeth removal and other dental procedures, leaving patients with the full burden of the cost of the procedure. However, there are many private health insurance providers who can assist you with the cost of wisdom teeth removal. But the benefits are limited and involves some issues, such as longer wait period, credit check, and more.

What should you do when you cannot afford the wisdom teeth removal price in Australia?

When you cannot afford the wisdom teeth removal price in Australia, there are different options that can help you cover the cost of the procedure. Even though the absence of Government health care financing is worrisome, there are several private health insurance providers who can offer finances that cover half the price of your dental procedure. Some third-party lenders can offer you with payment plans that allow you to make monthly payments, which can surely reduce your financial burden.

Moreover, some dental clinics in Australia provide emergency wisdom teeth removal appointments for patients with limited funds and no proper insurance. They provide the flexibility to pay their dental fee in instalments rather than paying the full amount in one go. So, talk to your dentist about the financial plans they have before the procedure to understand your payment options.

Another affordable way to get your wisdom teeth removed is to get the procedure done through a dental school. These schools provide treatments at affordable prices because their students are still learning and gaining practical experience. However, the procedure is done only under the supervision of a licensed and experienced dentist.

Is wisdom teeth removal in Australia covered by Medicare?

No! Wisdom teeth removal or other dental procedures are not covered by Medicare. However, you can find several options under the public system.


When it comes to getting public dental support, not everyone is eligible for the insurance plan. So, before deciding to rely on a public system to cover your wisdom teeth removal procedure, it’s crucial to check your eligibility.

Waiting List

A wisdom teeth removal procedure can be done within a few days or weeks. However, the wait time on the public system is considerably high. In cases that involve extreme pain and infection, it’s better to get in touch with a private specialist to get treated quickly.


Depending on the complexity of the procedure, some of the costs will be covered. For complex procedures, your dentist may recommend getting help from a wisdom teeth specialist, and this incurs additional hospital and dental costs. Always check with your insurance provider to find out what expenses are included in the plan to see what out-of-pocket expenses you may have to pay in order to get cheap wisdom teeth removal in Australia.

Can I get my wisdom teeth removed for free in Australia?

Australia Government works with state and regional Governments to fund dental services to help patients improve their oral health. However, public dental care is not available for everyone, and only eligible members qualify. If you meet the eligibility criteria, you may get dental treatments free of charge or partial payment for the treatment is required. However, the wait time is very long and sometimes, takes years.

If you need immediate and cheap wisdom teeth removal in Australia, you can talk to your dentist for low-cost services. You can also get help from private insurance providers to cover the partial cost of your wisdom teeth removal procedure.

Is wisdom teeth surgery in Australia claimable?

In some cases, a part of the cost of your wisdom teeth removal procedure is claimable in Australia. Unfortunately, not all health insurance plans cover the cost of dental procedures. So, it’s essential to check with your insurance providers to find out if your policy includes coverage for wisdom teeth removal. Some policies may cover a portion of the cost, whereas others may or may not cover the full cost. It all depends on the specific health insurance policies and plans you’ve chosen.

Also, many dental clinics offer flexible payment plans and financing options for patients undergoing wisdom teeth removal surgery. This makes the procedure affordable for patients who do not have proper medical coverage. If you are worried about your insurance coverage, talk to your dentist to ask about their payment options. With little research, you can find affordable wisdom teeth removal in Australia that meets your budget requirements.

How long is wisdom teeth surgery?

In general, the duration of wisdom teeth removal ranges from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the complexity of the procedure. The procedure usually takes longer when there are complications such as impaction, infection, or damage to the surrounding tissues.

During the wisdom teeth removal procedure, the dentist will use anaesthesia to either numb the area or general anaesthesia to make the patient sleep through the procedure. Once the anaesthesia has taken effect, the surgeon will cut open the surgical area to expose the wisdom teeth. Then, they will remove the teeth and clean the area thoroughly. The surgeon may also place stitches to close the wound, which will dissolve over time. Any swelling or discomfort caused after the removal of wisdom teeth in Australia can be managed with pain medications and ice packs.

Is wisdom teeth removal pain-free?

Wisdom teeth removal is not ‘pain-free’ and may involve a considerable amount of pain and discomfort during the procedure. Your dental surgeon may use a combination of local anaesthesia and pain medication to numb the area and ensure that the removal procedure is done as comfortably as possible for the patient. Local anaesthesia numbs the surgical area, and the patient doesn’t feel any pain during the procedure. In some cases, general anaesthesia is given to put patients to sleep and help them relax during the procedure. Once the anaesthesia wears down, there might be mild pain, swelling, bleeding, or discomfort, which can be effectively managed using pain medications and ice packs.   

Wisdom teeth removal is not completely pain-free, and with the right pain management technique, patients may experience minimal pain or discomfort during and after the procedure.

Can I brush my teeth after wisdom teeth removal?

After the removal of your wisdom teeth in Australia, you will be asked to wait 24 hours before brushing your teeth. Once you’ve given yourself ample time to recover, you can go ahead and brush your teeth as usual, but be very careful not to irritate or injure the extraction sites. Use only a soft-bristled toothbrush when brushing your teeth, and be very gentle with your movements. Brush slowly and carefully around the surgical area, but don’t try to brush too vigorously. Doing so could potentially cause the stitches to come apart and delay the healing process. Also, don’t use mouthwash or spit forcefully, as this leads to dislodging blood clots and results in dry sockets. You should also avoid any strenuous activities that could disturb the healing process and cause more pain and discomfort. Keep the surgical area clean by following a gentle oral hygiene routine, and in case of any complications or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist for guidance.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Treatment, Cost & Recovery Tips

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